This information is contained in compliance with the obligations set out in the privacy legislation contained in Legislative Decree 30 June 2003, n. 196 (Code regarding the protection of personal data), as amended and approved by subsequent regulatory and international interventions, below, concerned with the website www.tbdeyewear.com.
1. Data controller.
The owner of the processing of personal data was TBD Eyewear S.r.l. VAT no. 09002050962 with registered office in Milan, Via Fratelli Ruffini n. 10, registered at the register of the Milan Chamber of Commerce under no. REA MI - 2061773, which applies independently and in terms of processing, as well as security procedures for users. The data of the interested party are processed by the employees of TBD Eyewear S.r.l. who feel responsible for treating the treatment itself and under the direct authority of this.
2. The principles.
The privacy policy presented by TBD Eyewear S.r.l. is based on the following principles:
1. to process the personal data of the subjects only for the purposes and according to the methods illustrated in this information, however, in an appropriate and relevant manner to the purposes for which they are processed;
2. do not use personal data for interests other than those indicated in paragraph 3 without the explicit prior consent of the holder;
3. communicate personal data to third parties in cases where this is necessary for the pursuit of the purposes referred to in paragraph 3 and/or for the provision of the requested service; outside of hypotheses, personal data are not communicated, transferred, or transferred to third parties without the prior express consent, issued after receiving appropriate information;
4. the rapid response to requests for information, direct marketing, and profiling;
5. to maintain a working relationship, adopting the appropriate measures to preserve them from unforeseen and illicit users.
3. Purpose of the processing.
The processing of personal data is performed for purposes related to and instrumental to the performance of online sales and marketing, and in particular:
1. for registration on the website www.tbdeyewear.com, necessary for the creation of their personal page and for accessing sales services and related assistance online;
2. to register for specific information and commercial services, such as newsletters or sending commercial promotions;
3. for the conclusion of sales contracts, as well as for the execution of these, such as for example the processing of orders received;
4. for the management of payments and for the control of fraud in the case of payment by credit card;
5. for the management of requests for information (e.g. order status) and assistance (for example technical and/or commercial) formulated by the interested party at the e-mail address info@tbdeyewear.com and/or through the dedicated chat service.
4. Methods of processing and its legal basis.
The processing of personal data is carried out through the use of electronic and telematic systems, in compliance with the principles of correctness, transparency, confidentiality, and lawfulness, so as to limit the risk of non-compliant use of the described purposes. The processing of personal data collected finds its legal basis in the fulfillment of the contractual obligations assumed towards the interested party and in the satisfaction of the requests for information and assistance formulated by the same.
5. Processing of personal data by third parties in charge.
For the pursuit of the purposes referred to in paragraph 3, TBD Eyewear S.r.l. makes use of the work of independent third parties, carefully selected for reliability and competence, which offer guarantees of compliance with the applicable rules on the safe processing of personal data.
The personal data collected may therefore be communicated to:
1. DHL Express, for the processing of data necessary for the performance of shipping, delivery, and return of products purchased on the website www.tbdeyewear.com;
2. Stripe Inc., for the processing of data necessary for the management of payment services;
3. Shopify LLC, for the processing of data necessary for the management of the personal page and online orders;
4. The Rocket Science Group LLC, for the processing of data necessary for the management of the newsletter through the Klaviyo platform;
5. Zandesk Inc., for the processing of data necessary for the management of the chat platform with which TBD Eyewear S.r.l. provide the interested party with the information and assistance requested by this.
For any information, the interested party can contact Customer Service by sending an e-mail to the e-mail address info@tbdeyewear.com.
6. Nature of the provision of data.
The provision of personal data is necessary to proceed with the registration in the reserved area of the website www.tbdeyewear.com, in order to purchase products online and to access the related assistance services offered.
In all other cases, it is optional.
The necessary nature of the provision is specified by placing the asterisk symbol (*) next to the field.
Failure to provide the necessary personal data does not allow registration on the website, online purchase, and access to the related assistance services offered.
7. Access through Facebook credentials.
Registration in the reserved area of the website can be done using the credentials used to access your personal Facebook page.
In this case, at the time of registration the name, surname, and e-mail address will be imported from the personal profile of the person concerned; no other personal data will be imported.
The Facebook credentials can be used for each subsequent access to their personal page on the website www.tbdeyewear.com.
No content will be published on Facebook.
8. Online payments.
In case of payment by credit card, personal data collected by ATBD Eyewear S.r.l. during the purchase process (specifically, name, surname, address, credit card number, and delivery address if different from invoicing) are sent to Stripe Inc. and are processed by the latter solely for payment processing.
Payment of purchases can also be made through the Paypal platform; in this case, the data are collected directly from Paypal itself without TBD Eyewear S.r.l. or third parties may have access to it.
For this reason, under no circumstances TBD Eyewear S.r.l. can be held responsible for any fraudulent and undue use by third parties of the data released by the interested party directly to Paypal.
TBD Eyewear S.r.l. he/she does not have the possibility to know the reasons for which a purchase transaction is refused and therefore declines any kind of responsibility in case of such an eventuality.
For more information, please refer to the Privacy Policy section and the general sales conditions available on Stripe, Paypal websites, respectively at the following addresses:
9. Data retention.
The personal data collected will be stored by TBD Eyewear S.r.l. for the period necessary for the correct and complete fulfillment of the purposes referred to in paragraph 3, unless it is necessary to keep it for a longer period of time in compliance with the applicable legislation.
After this deadline, the personal data collected will be deleted or transformed into an anonymous form.
The personal data transmitted to third parties referred to in paragraph 5, will be processed by them for the time strictly necessary for the performance of the tasks entrusted to them, and then subsequently deleted or transformed into an anonymous form.
10. Rights of the interested party.
The text of the art. 7 of Legislative Decree 196/2003 concerning the rights exercisable by the interested party:
"1. The interested party has the right to obtain confirmation of the existence or not of personal data concerning him, even if not yet registered, and their communication in intelligible form.
2. The interested party has the right to obtain the indication:
a) of the origin of personal data;
b) of the purposes and methods of the processing;
c) of the logic applied in case of treatment carried out with the aid of electronic instruments;
d) of the identifying details of the holder, of the responsible and of the designated representative according to article 5, paragraph 2;
e) of the subjects or categories of subjects to whom the personal data may be communicated or who can learn about them as appointed representatives in the territory of the State, managers, or agents.
3. The interested party has the right to obtain:
a) updating, rectification, or, when interested, integration of data;
b) the cancellation, transformation into anonymous form, or blocking of data processed in violation of the law, including those
c) whose conservation is not necessary for relation to the purposes for which the data were collected or subsequently
d) treaties;
e) the attestation that the operations referred to in letters a) and b) have been brought to the attention, including as regards
f) their content, of those to whom the data have been communicated or disseminated, except in the case where this fulfillment is
g) it proves impossible or involves a use of means manifestly disproportionate to the protected right.
4. The interested party has the right to object, in whole or in part:
a) on legitimate grounds, to the processing of personal data concerning him/her, even though they are relevant to the purpose of the collection;
b) to the processing of personal data concerning him for the purpose of sending advertising or direct sales material or for carrying out market research or commercial communication. "
Pursuant to art. 13 of EU 2016/673 Regulation, the interested party also has the right:
- asks the data controller to access their personal data, as well as their correction or deletion, or the limitation of their processing;
- to oppose the processing of the personal data provided;
- to receive personal data concerning him from the data controller, so that he can transmit them to another data controller (so-called data portability rights);
- to propose a complaint before the competent supervisory authorities.
The rights listed above may be exercised by the interested party at any time by sending a written request to the e-mail address info@tbdeyewear.com.
To ensure the constant and complete updating of the personal data provided, it will be the responsibility of the interested party to report any changes to info@tbdeyewear.com.
11. Article 130, paragraph 4, Legislative Decree 196/2003.
According to the art. 130, paragraph 4 of Legislative Decree 196/2003, the data controller, without the need to acquire the prior consent of the interested party and for the purpose of direct sales of its products and/or services, may use the e-mail address electronics previously supplied by the interested party on the occasion of a sale of a product or the provision of a service, on the condition that the goods and/or services are similar to those already purchased, and that the interested party, adequately informed, do not refuse consent to this use of your e-mail address, expressed previously or on the occasion of subsequent communications, by sending a notice to info@tbdeyewear.com
12. Data processing for administrative and accounting purposes.
According to the provision of the Privacy Guarantor of June 19, 2008, the owner of the treatment in the private sector is allowed to use without prior consent the e-mail addresses and paper mail addresses provided by the interested party, to send directly to the latter, in the framework of the pursuit of ordinary administrative and accounting purposes, its own advertising material or to carry out its own market research or commercial communication, provided that:
1. this activity concerns products sold and services offered by the same data controller and are similar to those already purchased by the data subject;
2. the interested party, at the time of collection and at the time of sending any communication made for the said purposes, is informed, in an easy and free way, of the possibility to oppose at any time this treatment pursuant to art. 7, paragraph 4 of Legislative Decree 196/2003;
3. the interested party, adequately informed, has not refused this use of his e-mail and paper mail addresses.
13. Profiling.
The personal data of the interested party may be processed to create specific profiles based on their preferences and purchases, in order to send specific commercial and direct marketing information, related to the needs and interests of the interested party.
Without prejudice to the provisions of paragraphs 11 and 12, TBD Eyewear S.r.l. will be able to use the personal data of the interested parties for the said profiling purposes only with the prior express consent of the interested parties.
14. Communication of data to third parties.
The personal data of the interested party may be disclosed to third parties residing in Italy and/or in European Union countries and/or in countries not belonging to the European Union only with the prior express consent of the interested party.
Prior consent is not required if such communication is imposed by law or is necessary to pursue purposes provided by law (such as in the case of a formal request from the competent public authorities).
Similarly, prior consent is not required in cases where communication is necessary to fulfill the contractual obligations assumed towards the person concerned by TBD Eyewear S.r.l. (such as online purchase orders).
15. Cookies.
The website www.tbdeyewear.com can use automatic data collection systems called cookies.
To find out more, please refer to the information contained in the following section B).
16. Security.
TBD Eyewear S.r.l. adopts appropriate security measures aimed at minimizing the risks of destruction and/or loss, even accidental, of personal data, as well as aimed at protecting the data subject from unauthorized access or processing that does not comply with the purposes set out in this privacy statement.
In any case, since it can not guarantee that these measures completely exclude the risks described, it is appropriate for the interested party to verify that their terminal is equipped with appropriate software protection devices (such as updated antivirus systems) and that the supplier of its own Internet service has adopted appropriate measures for the security of data transmission over the network (such as firewalls and spam filters).
TBD Eyewear S.r.l.reserves the right to cancel the account and all related data if it is discovered and ascertained illegal content or behavior, which may damage the image of the brand and/or its products and/or third parties, or otherwise offensive, or that promote illegal or defamatory, pornographic, incitement to violence or discrimination based on race, sex, religion, and sexual orientation.
17. Links to third-party websites.
The website www.tbdeyewear.com may contain links to websites of third parties, with which TBD Eyewear S.r.l. has no connection, which the same does not control, and on which it does not carry out monitoring operations.
Links to third-party websites can be found on the website www.tbdeyewear.com only to facilitate navigation of the interested party and do not imply any recommendation and/or reference and/or guarantee by TBD Eyewear S.r.l. about the contents, services, or goods supplied and sold to the interested parties through such websites.
By clicking on the link of the third party's website, the interested party decides to voluntarily exit the www.tbdeyewear.com website and is directed to another website.
The data subject who intentionally decides to access the website of a third party through the link assumes all the risks associated with this decision.
Therefore, it is not possible to hold the manager responsible for TBD Eyewear S.r.l.for the content of these third-party sites and for the rules they apply, also in relation to the privacy and processing of personal data during their navigation.
TBD Eyewear S.r.l. reserves the right to delete at any time any link to websites of third parties.
This information does not apply to websites of third parties.
18. Applicable law.
This privacy statement has been prepared in accordance with Italian law, and in particular of Legislative Decree 30 June 2003, n. 196 and subsequent amendments (Code regarding the protection of personal data), which governs the processing of personal data, also held abroad, by anyone residing or located in Italy.
TBD Eyewear S.r.l. reserves the right to update this information if there is a change in the current privacy laws.
This privacy statement will come into force as of May 25, 2018, and will be applied to all treatments still in place at that time, as well as to all treatments after that date.
This information describes what cookies are, how they are stored by the terminal (computer, tablet, mobile phone, and the like) through the website www.tbdeyewear.com, and for what purposes the information collected is used.
1. What are cookies?
Cookies are small text files sent to the interested party's terminal while browsing the website www.thebespokedudeseyewear.com, or using one of its services, and which are subsequently stored on the hard disk or in the memory of the terminal itself, and then be retransmitted to the website on the occasion of a subsequent visit.
2. What cookies are used by "TBD Eyewear" and for what purpose?
At the first visit to the website, the interested party can accept cookies by clicking on the ACCEPT button on the corresponding banner, or by clicking on any element of the page outside the banner.
The website www.tbdeyewear.com uses different types of cookies:
- Technical cookies; these cookies are necessary to provide better navigation to the interested party, memorizing the choices of the latter and allowing, for example, to move between the different pages of the website with single access and to remember the selections in the modules (order) that they are compiled on the website;
- Retargeting advertising cookies; these cookies are stored on the interested party's terminal and allow to show the latter while browsing the third-party website, advertisements relating to products that the same has previously seen on the website www.tbdeyewear.com; the retargeting activity is carried out through the AdRoll platform;
- Profiling cookies; these cookies allow you to monitor the user's navigation on the website, adapting it to his specific preferences, with the purpose of sending targeted advertising and/or offering specific services to the person concerned.
3. Reading of the technical specifications.
The website www.tbdeyewear.com reads the characteristics of the browser and the user's terminal without storing any personal data.
In this way, the technical specifications of the terminal and of the software used for navigation by the interested party are collected, such as the type of operating system, the browser settings, the installed plug-ins, the time zone, and the screen size, so as to optimize the visit to the website.
4. Third-party cookies.
Third parties may store their own cookies on the interested party's terminal through the website www.tbdeyewear.com.
TBD Eyewear S.r.l. provides only the platform that allows you to store cookies from third parties, and can not in any way control or influence the use and/or use of these cookies by third parties, as well as can not control or influence the information collected from third parties themselves through the same cookies.
The use of the data collected through third-party cookies can be regulated by additional conditions provided by the third parties themselves, which must be evaluated by the interested party.
5. Google statistics.
To collect data on the use and visits of the website www.tbdeyewear.com, TBD Eyewear S.r.l. use Google Analytics.
Google Analytics stores an analytical cookie on the interested party's terminal, which is then used to collect navigation information on the website.
The data collected is analyzed by Google and the results are provided to TBD Eyewear S.r.l. allowing you to obtain more information on how the website is used and, based on this information, make the necessary changes to this and the services offered.
Google may disclose information collected to third parties only if it is legally obliged to do so and/or if third parties are processing the information on behalf of Google.
Google can not use the information collected for the provision of other Google services.
6. Plug-in social.
The website www.tbdeyewear.com is connected via plug-ins to various social media, including Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram.
The use of these social plug-ins allows sharing information and providing advice through social media to other subjects.
Through the social plug-ins, third-party cookies are stored on the party's terminal and are used to optimize their experience on the website www.tbdeyewear.com.
Some of the videos that are displayed on www.tbdeyewear.com come from third-party websites, including YouTube.
These websites can store technical cookies that allow you to show videos; advertising and profiling cookies may also be stored.
7. Delete cookies.
The consent given by the interested party to store and read first-party cookies and third-party cookies can be withdrawn at any time by disabling cookies and/or removing them through the settings of the browser used by the interested party.
By clicking on the links below, you can read how to delete the different types of cookies from different browsers:
- Google Chrome
- Firefox
- Internet Explorer
- Safari
- Opera
The deletion of cookies may cause some parts of the website www.tbdeyewear.com to malfunction.
8. Regulatory changes.
This information can be updated in case of an amendment of the applicable law. The changes will be communicated by TBD Eyewear S.r.l.
9. Questions.
If you have any questions about this statement, you can send an e-mail to info@tbdeyewear.com